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A moment to pause
#9, 10 and 11 - Moonstruck
#9 - MoonstruckFriday night, we went to an outdoor screening of the Moonstruck at The Met. It was a classical New York City experience bringing together everyone from opera fans to those on dates to those seeking a free experience in a costly city. There was a moment when I looked up and saw the moon. It would have been a helluva moment if it was full, but a 1/2 full moon is still beautiful. The audience was laughing, and you felt the fullness of the city and the energy of this shared experience with a few hundred people. This moment...
#15 - kids say the funniest things
Yesterday evening on our walk with our three springer spaniels, we ran into a Mom and her two young sons - they were maybe 8 and 5 years old. Well, seeing three of the same breed blew the oldest's mind. He must have said, "Whoa, wait a minute!" three or four times. He was wonderfully precocious and quite curious. He wondered if they were twins - so cute - and politely asked if he could pet them and wanted to know their ages - 14 (Jester) and 13 (Hope) years, and ten months old (Story). And then he said, pointing...
#18 to #16
#16 - catching that email before you hit sendThere was a period during my executive career a second Michael O'Brien started at the company I was at. The "other" Michael was a sales professional on my team, and human resources, legal, and compliance worried that emails for "my eyes only" would be sent to him. So, we spent hours going back and forth on our path forward. The good news is that nothing happened. He got his emails, and I received my daily truckload. Today, I received two random emails from friends from their corporate email addresses. I guess they...
#25 to 23 Mindful Moments
#25 - seeing the sun kiss water One of my bicycling routes parallels the Hudson River, and when my timing and conditions are right, the sun kisses the river as it rises in the East. It reminds me that Mother Earth is never in a hurry, but somehow, she gets everything done. Nature is so damn awesome. And since we are nature - it makes all of us awesome. #24: the first bite of a NY slice You're the first bite of a NY slice of pizza can be a challenging endeavor. The mouth starts to water as you breathe...
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