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growth mindset, mindfulness, mindset -

72% of executives on LinkedIn agree that soft skills are more critical to their organizations than AI skills. Given all the excitement surrounding our latest technological advancements, I had to read this statistic several times.

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connection, culture, mindfulness -

Tonight, sixty-five thousand people will gather at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas for this year's Super Bowl, mirroring the same number that the Roman Colosseum could hold back in 80 AD. The parallel draws a vivid line through history, connecting us with the ancient spectators of gladiatorial contests. Despite the millennia separating us, much has remained unchanged with these competitions - they're rich with contradictions.

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belonging, mindfulness, reflection, self growth -

As a child, December was about rifling through the Sears and Roebuck Wishbook, writing my letter to Santa, and then snooping through our house to determine where my parents stashed our gifts - I could remove Scotch Tape with the precision of a jewel thief (or at least I thought I could). 

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App, belonging, community, connection, kindness, meditation, mindfulness -

I'm excited to share that Pause Breathe Reflect, in the spirit of 'Karma Yoga,' is introducing 'Pay What You Can' pricing for our swag and spectacular app. That's right, you're in control...Well, sort of because we can't really control the Universe, but you can name your price, and that's awesome. 

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meditation, mindfulness, personal growth, reflection, self care, self growth -

If Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? This existential question, is one that James Lipton famously asked his guests on "Inside The Actors' Studio," and it was brought to life at a conference I attended last week.  The opening keynote closed with two esteemed leaders poised to answer this deeply personal question.  Christi Shaw was the first to respond. Earlier, she had thoughtfully shared her impressive career trajectory, 'climbing the ladder' of global corporate leadership, only to step down at the peak to provide care for her ailing mother and...

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