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culture, journey, leadership, meditation, mindful, mindful moment, mindfulness -

At the end of 2021, the word journey was one of the fastest-growing words used by S&P 500 executives jumping over 70% from 2020. Today, it seems like everyone is going somewhere, from the folks in your social media feed to contestants on The Bachelor, but don't utter journey to story-telling guru Robert McKee. He loathes the word.    Paying attention is helpful wherever you might be traveling because every road will take you there if you don't know where you're going - of course, we all end up at the same spot in the end.    Yes, sometimes you'll...

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birds, every day moments, meditation, mindful moment, mindfulness, nature, small ripples -

What does joy sound like? Where do you feel in your body?

One way I hear joy is through splashing. Specifically, when our neighborhood birds fly down to bathe in our birdbath - it's nature in our action.

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breath, connection, death, end of life, hospice, mindfulness, parents -

Two years ago today, my Mom passed away. I hadn't seen or spoken to her in a few years because of challenging family dynamics. Witnessing her ten-year health decline without feeling heard (my perspective) was one of the hardest things I’ve faced. As you might know, I like to do hard things, this wasn’t one of them. It took a toll. 

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balance, connection, meditation, mindfulness, mindset, small ripples, work life balance, yoga -

After my accident, my balance was a little choppy. It was difficult for me to be barefooted due to my neuropathic pain, so I always walked around in shoes. It was more comfortable, but the tiny muscles in my feet essential for balance began to weaken. Then I found yoga. 

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belonging, connection, mindfulness -

I had no idea this was a song during my hide-and-seek days with my daughters. I always thought this pre-seeking warning dated back to the early days of The Farmers' Almanac. 

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