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mindfulness, mindset, Ripple Challenge -

Doesn't this look delicious?
It was my lunch today after a frigid and wet day on the bike. It was called The Grilled Greenhouse, which included a combo of veggies and Swiss on homemade sunflower bread. It was sooo good.

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connection, growth mindset, mindfulness, Rise 2 Ripple -

Nearly 21 years ago, I was several weeks into my "healing journey" when my medical team came into my hospital room to do rounds. When they left, I said, "They're like my medical peloton helping me get down the road."

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belonging, connection, growth and development, intentions, mindfulness, personal growth -

How do you wish to be at 85?
My hunch is that you wish to be independent and healthy, right? I'm sure you don't want to be in a nursing home. So if independence is your goal, how do you need to be at 85? Or another way of looking at this is, what causes 85-year-olds to lose their independence?

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mindfulness, mindset, personal growth -

How do I...
find happiness?
get promoted?
get rid of hiccups?
reduced my stress?


Our interest in discovering how to get things done goes back to the early blogging days of Buddha and his spiritual compatriots. From the Four Noble Truths to the Ten Commandments, they shared how to live an enlightened life, and today's how-to resources flood social feeds and best-seller lists.

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breath, breathe, mental health, mindfulness, mindset -

Despite all the fuffle in our Great Kerfuffle, the last two years have sparked many positive ripples like: Slaying the myth that WFH couldn't work Accelerating safe and effective preventive medicines Acknowledging that it's ok not to be ok Although we've made great strides in becoming more open about mental health, we need to keep pedaling. I see it with my story, as I publicly share my orthopedic and vascular challenges but have rarely discussed my depressive and PTSD symptoms from the early moments of my last bad day recovery.   May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and hopefully, it...

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