Mindful Everyday Moments: #83 The Moment When You Know The Middle Seat Is Free

gratitude, mindfulness -

Mindful Everyday Moments: #83 The Moment When You Know The Middle Seat Is Free

I was on a flight a few weeks ago, and the airport was all a buzz. The pre-flight announcements warned us that the flight was full and there would be limited overhead space. You are probably familiar with how joyful the boarding process is today. Since I only had my backpack, I decided to wait to board. When I got to my row, a guy was near the window, but the middle seat was open. I sat down and hoped. 

Then that moment comes when you realize the doors have been closed and the middle seat would be unoccupied. - ah, that's a moment for gratitude, one of the nine essential attitudes of mindfulness. 




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If you want to share an everyday mindful moment, send it along, and I will include it in our list of 100.