It's the most _______________ time of the year?

belonging, community, connection, gift, meditation -

It's the most _______________ time of the year?

It's the ____________________time of the year.

No, this isn't the start of a game of Mad Libs - although that might be fun. 

The reality is that this time of year is a lot to handle. It can be the most wonderful, as the song goes, and busiest, stressful, and lonely, yet also the happiest, cheerful, and grateful time of year.

And it can be all of this at the same time. 

So, no matter how you feel about this time of year, here are a few P.B.R. (Pause, Breathe, Reflect) reminders:

Prioritize: Santa knows he can't do everything alone, so he delegates.

Breaks: Sometimes, the best gift is the one you give to yourself.

Remember: The holiday doesn't need to be "perfect" to be wonderful.

 On Saturday, I flew out to LA and thought about this time of year and the state of mindfulness in the West. One thing that surfaced is that we forget it's a practice that values "we" over "me."

Yes, it can help you and me stress less, sleep better, and have less anxiety, and it can also help us show up better for others. It's about coming together, belonging, and seeing our shared stories, which is something that makes this time of year special for many. 

A Life-Changing Gift

This holiday season, you can now gift something to your family, friends, and colleagues that could change their lives and create more belonging - which is something a gift basket has never said. 

And if you still need to become a member, you can join our like-hearted community for as little as $1 for your first year and begin to experience life better. 

I hope this season turns out to be the most peaceful time of the year for you. Remember you've got this and we've got you. Together we will ripple something worth rippling.