Be Still
As we approach this season of giving thanks, I would like to invite you to slow down, be still, and create space for gratitude.
If you caught my post on Saturday, I shared that I would follow up today with something special.
Between now and Friday (The Unofficial Offical Global Pause Breathe Reflect Day), I invite you to join me in creating ripples of gratitude. Wherever we are, whatever our background or beliefs, we can all benefit from slowing down and being still.
Here is something simple you can try:
- Take a minute to be still (listen below).
- Consider what you are grateful for in this moment of stillness.
- Copy and paste the URL, and feel free to share it with like-hearted humans who may also appreciate a reminder to be still.
Here's the cool thing: When half of the like-hearted humans receiving this email ripples (shares) it forward to ten people, we will take our first steps toward creating a million ripples by the weekend.
The busyness of life often sweeps us away from the present moment. But when we create space for gratitude, we tap into our shared humanity. We realize we have more in common than what separates us.
I hope this message resonates with some who will share it with others. It's not about creating stress or adding to the to-do list, but simply as an act of spreading goodness into the world.
Any level of participation represents more people touched by this simple act of seeing and appreciating each other.
Of course, if this message reaches only you, then the time it took to write this was more than worthwhile.
You have the power to light up the world, starting right where you are.
Thank you for who you are and all you bring to this world.
Thank you for being part of this like-hearted community.
You can do hard things.
We do hard things together.
Together, we go far.