A moment to pause - Happy Father's Day
A moment to pause
Back in the mid-50s, there was a television show steeped in the dominant paternalistic approach of the day, and it still exists today - that is, the system, not the show, Father Knows Best - it only lasted four seasons.
It was about a "typical" wholesome American middle-class family called The Andersons. They were from Springfield, which became the home of The Simpsons. I bet Father Anderson thought the neighborhood was going to pot when Homer moved in.
Growing up, I accepted paternalism, too. My parents work outside the home, but my Dad (Hi Dad, Happy Father's Day. He reads all my posts), was the head of our household. My friends' dads also led their homes. It was the world I was raised in.
Then I grew up, went off to college, and landed in D.C.
My worldview started to open up, and I realized how limiting it was to believe that men have it all figured out. Don't get me wrong, my Dad taught me so much, but so did my Mom. They just did so in different ways.
I still have some old paternalistic beliefs deep in my backpack, but I'm grateful that my daughters and wife keep me humble. I realize I don't know more than I know and try to be open to unlearn what I think I know.
We recognize Father's Day this weekend in The U.S., Canada, and The U.K. Like Mother's Day, it's challenging for many. If it's challenge for you, I hope you will give yourself compassion and grace today.
I'll spend the day reflecting on what my Dad has taught me and my role as a father and remain curious about what I think I know, and hopefully, every once in a while, I will get something right.
I will host a special Loving-Kindness Father's Day meditation/talk on Sunday at noon Eastern. It will recognize the range of thoughts and feelings we experience on Father's Day; everyone is welcome.
Zoom Link: https://pausebreathereflect.zoom.us/my/michaelobrien?pwd=WE5pOFFRUFhJRFB6ZjRNOEtJbS9Tdz09
Mindful Moments Meditation Cards:
Let's face it, Dad doesn't need any more ties or socks (sorry, Bombas). Plus, it's a little late to get him a gift. Just sayin'.
So this year, skip the stores and send Dad one of our memorable Mindful Moment Greeting Cards and help him stress less and recognize the ripple he's making.
You'll find them via the "ripple" button on your app, and in one short day, the response has blown away my expectations. We designed them with the intent of helping create greater connection and belonging in a meaningful way.
Each Mindful Moment comes with a two-minute meditation and creates a beautiful ripple. And the cool part is that they're free to send and receive. All you need is the app; you can download it here via your smartphone
Gratitude is The Way:
As you know, gratitude is one of Pause Breathe Reflect's first principles, so we always celebrate when others ripple gratitude into the world. This week, Chris Palmore, released his third book about gratitude, featuring writing from a few community members: Billie Short, Sharon Buckler, Karen Hoffman, and Bobby Kountz. This weekend the e-book version of Gratitude Journey: Volume 3 is just $0.99. I hope you'll pick up a copy. I promise it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
This Week's Poem
If by Rudyard Kipling