#59: an old school shave

#59: an old school shave

When I was a kid, I got my haircut at a barbershop. Everyone waited for Antonio, but I didn't know any better. Honestly, I just wanted to get it done and get out. I hated getting my haircut, and part of the experience was shaving the back of my neck with a straight razor and warm cream.

Fast forward to last December, we took a family vacation to Italy to pick up my youngest, who was studying there. It was a one-suitcase trip because we had to navigate planes, trains, and buses, and I forgot to pack my razor. Seven days in, I was going out of my mind and needed a shave. 

I decided to find a barber because it felt like an old-world thing to do and  appreciate a good haircut today. When I walked into his shoppe, soccer, sorry football, on, and tried to explain what I wanted. We clearly had language barrier, but after a lot of pointing and Pictionary, he knew what to do. 

After he was finished, my face and neck felt as smooth as a baby's bottom. It lifted my mood and felt like a new guy. It totally brought me back to my early barbershop moments. 

It was an awesome moment and a highlight of our trip (at least for me). It was also one that called for mindfulness - he had a blade and I didn't want to flinch. 




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 If you want to share an everyday mindful moment, send it along, and I will include it in our list of 100.