#47 - mindful shopping

#47 - mindful shopping

I think we've all been there. We head to the market with no list or shop while hungry and either return with items we don't need or forget to pick up something. And by the market, you mean Trader Joe's, then forgetaboutit - it's impulse buy city. 

This afternoon I went to the grocery store and pulled out a cart with a post-it note shipping list of raisins, frozen strawberries & blueberries, pumpkins seeds, arugula, cheap crunchy lettuce, bread, bananas, gazpacho and on the back side, extra cuke, tomato little ones, and I think crack whine. 

Sounds great, right? I love the specificity of cheap crunchy lettuce, and the list in their small handwriting reminds me of grandma's recipe cards. 

How do you stay mindful when you shop? Are you a list person, an impulse shopper, or a little of both? 

Here's a short gratitude listen before eating whatever is on your list. 



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