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belonging, compassion, connection, Kintsugi podcast, self growth -

Reflect on the days of being a teenager when life seemed simpler. No complex relationships, a flawless complexion, a clear sense of direction, and earning that sweet minimum wage. Ideal, wasn't it?

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belonging, Kintsugi podcast, mental health, values -

As I was cycling across America, some of my favorite things to notice were message signs from businesses, places of worship, and random ones like.....

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belonging, connection, growth and development, hope, surrender -

On the morning of January 1st, our dog Hope wanted to be the first to welcome 2024. Since Story, no longer a puppy, joined our family, it's become rare for Hope to be the earliest riser. Although I looked forward to sleeping in, I took it as a sign.

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belonging, mindfulness, reflection, self growth -

As a child, December was about rifling through the Sears and Roebuck Wishbook, writing my letter to Santa, and then snooping through our house to determine where my parents stashed our gifts - I could remove Scotch Tape with the precision of a jewel thief (or at least I thought I could). 

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balance, belonging, breathe, community, connection -

Reflecting on this year, it's clear that we each transition through seasons differently. We can cling to the past, delay change, rush forward heedlessly, or mindlessly fall into the new. But things ultimately move on.

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