Seeing our beginnings in our endings
I've was in L.A. last week, recording an in-person podcast and helping my youngest pack up her undergraduate life. In my downtime, I've enjoyed some prime people-watching.
I saw the bougie saunter into Erewhon, mingled among Griffith Observatory tourists, sat with IN-Q fans, and observed sidewalk and boardwalk strollers.
Seth Godin was right when he wrote, "We are all weird, and that's okay."
Indeed, we are wonderfully weird. But not everyone should drive! Bless your heart, L.A., but y'all can't drive – just saying'.
"Beginnings always hide themselves in ends." - Mike Posner
For me, 2023 was about connecting to new beginnings. Reflecting on this year, it's clear that we each transition through seasons differently. We can cling to the past, delay change, rush forward heedlessly, or mindlessly fall into the new. But things ultimately move on.
Now, we're approaching a new year and a season shift. Nature whispers to us to slow down, but our corporate hamster wheels speed on planting the requisite seeds that will be harvested next year.
The thing is that our seasons don't align perfectly. That's why we need to take time to set our intentions on how we wish to move forward.
Unlike a distracted L.A. driver, how could you thoughtfully move into your next season? What new beginning can emerge as this one ends?
Rushing happens – we're human. We want to get everything done to enjoy our time off, but by January 4th, we often feel like we never had a break, not having reflected on moving purposefully into new seasons.
This year, I hope that you can find some space. Maybe it's only 15 to 30 minutes to reflect and consider how you wish to show up in the new year. Think of it as a moment to Pause, Breathe Reflect that can help you become a better driver.
One thing I do each year is to write a letter to my future self, and on my website, I've included several reflection questions to consider before writing your 2024 "Future Me" letter – check them out!
This week, we will also have a beautiful new story of connection on The Kintsugi Podcast about self-love as distinct from self-care with the wonderful Jenna Banks, and this Friday, I'll share a loving-kindness meditation on the pod.
During my interview, the host asked what I hope people gain from our app. I shared that I hoped just opening it would bring tranquility, which was confirmed by his experience, but ultimately, it helps people live more thoughtfully.
It's needed right about now. What do you think?
Yes, there are a ton of meditation apps out there, but there's only one Pause Breathe Reflect with a community of like-heartedness and comfort in being with our weirdness.
Plus, you get to Name Your Price because we respect your choice. The door is open. Please come in because you belong here.